Nuchido NAD+

Age is the biggest risk factor for disease.  

If we can slow down cellular ageing can we reduce the risk of age related diseases ?

 Nuchido NAD + is known as one of the most important molecules in our body. It’s a natural molecule and found in every cell. It’s famous for energy production and cellular repair systems.  If you have high levels of NAD you have lots of energy and lots of repair happening in the body, as the levels get low the opposite happens which results in lack of energy and fatigue.  when we are born we have very high levels of NAD.  this reduces over time. This’s declined as we age results in fatgue on the inside as well as the outside.  when we think of againg we always thing of wrinkles and what we look like.  The internal impact if often forgotton. 

Taking NAD+ on a daily basis can really help us reduce these signs of aging.  It can increase our energy levels reduce inflamation and help with the visual appearance of aging.  I myself have been taking NAD+ for many months and have added it to my daily regime.

Get in touch to book your next treatment with Heather Moore at The Lodge Aesthetics Clinic